21st Century Finance Pharaohs
when you wipe out the lives
of countless millions
imposing knowingly
a previously failed
free-market global economy
(unfettered, experimental)
the devastation that follows
can only be described
as economic holocaust
when this abstract ideology
creates impossibility
for people to overcome
to regain normal functioning lives
in the present and foreseeable future
this is human catastrophe
on a scale never before seen
when you are forced to watch the wreckage
of those millions of lives who didn't die
sacked from jobs, never to work again
childhood vanished, youth wasted, depression
can’t function, homelessness, scavenging
on the brink of starvation, can’t feed family
suicide epidemics unprecedented
then you watch a descent so dire, so deep
where people become desperate, become prey
to ‘last resorts’, ‘no alternatives’, to 'no hope'
and so the rise of the freedom-fighter
becomes inevitable, indispensable
Che Guevara, Hamas, Hezbolah
A.N.C., the list is endless
but alas
freedom fighters ignite the ire
of the world's bully
the 21st century's 'opportunistic'
New World Order empire builder
freedom fighters predictably provide
the excuse for self-appointed
world 'leaders' to invade
to appropriate , to bomb and plunder
to commit genocide in the name of 'defence'
or 'pre-emptive strike'
until eventual disempowerment
splinters into guerilla wars, drug wars
and all too soon
religion's ugly handmaiden
fundamentalism raises it's brutish head
'tis then you are forced to watch
near destruction of the human spirit
I accuse
George Bush, his government, past presidents
Friedmanite economists
of global mass torture
of calculated enforcement
of an unproven economic theory
(savagely imposed)
of causing needless
unnecessary pain and degradation
of premeditated economic rape
of countries already suffering
third world misery
when you impose
a so called 'rational' binding
abstract monetary belief
dreamed up by economist Milton Friedman
(fawned-over icon, supposed god-guru
of money-management)
when you indoctrinate his ideology globally
from Chicago's [very busy] School of Economics
when you use the Chicago Boys:
it's professors, academics, graduates
(add C.I.A. for torture & coups
to this poisonous soup)
when you add the inevitable dewy-eyed
orgasmic sapling-economists
'wanna-make-their-first-million' purist zealots
what language, what name do you give
these shiny-suited, shirt 'n' tied
barbarians ?
these disconnected bigots
who fly in to disasters
while people are still in shock
these 'number-crunchers 'n' paper-shufflers'
who deem themselves 'way above' the recipients
(humble, ordinary working people)
these 'shock doctors' who come to enforce
an economic holocaust
on mostly poor, innocent human beings
(people who didn't want, or vote,
or ask for the invasion)
language endows for my use
only one word
who consider themselves an 'elite'
'smart-gods' of money
better than the 'ordinary people'
they simply 'sweep away’ with a theory
no thought, or care of consequence
witness Rumsfeld's 'meant-to-be-brief'
'triumphant' invasion of
any thought to preserve quality civilian life
to preserve culture
(forget about the 'cradle of civilzation'
just 'not-in-the-plan'
I accuse
George Bush, his government, past presidents
Friedmanite economists
of malfeasance
`of international, and 'at-home' war crimes
of a continuing criminal foreign policy
of fuelling coups and wars, religious and racial
of corruption and political assassination
of using war & natural disasters
to commit public property theft
of securing 'kick-backs' for corporate-developers
'sell-offs' to 'cronies' at 'fire-sale' prices
which can only be called
government Socialism for corporation
of breeding for decades, bringing into existence
‘terrorism’ world-wide
of human extermination:
people numbering in their multiple tens of millions
'put down' by a failed monetary ideology
imposed recklessly and brutally
Friedman's economic doctrine
an economic genocide
overseen by the man himself
the 21st century
finance-pharaohs have arrived !
I accuse
George W. Bush & his neocons
of engineering world-wide fear
in the wake of an American tragedy
of using 9/11 as pretext for invasion of
for his ‘War on Terror’
of blank refusal to face 9/11 'inconsistencies'
of introducing 'Orwellian' shopping-mall
airport surveillance
of torture exportation
extraordinary rendition
of implementing insane
punitive, restrictive laws
of 'cooking-up' emergency powers
of voting manipulation for unlawful continuance
of his presidency stolen
of habeas corpus banishment:
denial of the human right to a fair trial
of building private prisons expressly for torture
of 'trashing' previously cherished
human rights and freedoms
the 21st century
finance-pharaohs have arrived !
I accuse
George W. Bush and his neocons
of deliberately igniting World War 111
of self promotion to 'leader of the free world'
of using the false concepts :
to wage (in tandem with
on the Middle East
of invasion & destruction of sovereign countries
creating economic violence
of using an American christian god as flag-bearer
of intent to steal
(water, oil, land, business, corporation)
of intent to eventually and entirely 'wipe-out'
the 'troublesome' indigenous Palestinians
the 21st century
finance-pharaohs have arrived !
I accuse
George W. Bush, neocons, past governments
of implementing [wantonly] globally
a free-market economic theory
which demands unsustainable
constant economic growth
(despite urgent vital restraints
due to global warming
and climate change)
of using stock exchange and money markets
world-wide for
profit and take-over
of aiming for unlimited access
to markets of millions upon millions
& access to low-wage-slaves
the 21st century
finance-pharaohs have arrived !
I accuse
George W. Bush and neocons
of repeatedly attempting to implement
binding agreements enabling
free unlimited access to foreign lands
to build anywhere, anytime world-wide
deeming itself above a country's sovereign laws
and ecological safe-guards
of intent to use these agreements
(when a corporation fails to abide by local laws)
to sue the country's government if or when
it's restrictions & laws prevent
(see previously failed M.A.I.
Multi-lateral Agreement on Investment)
the 21st century
finance-pharaohs have arrived !
I accuse
George W. Bush
of FUELLING RACISM world-wide
of dividing previously happy communities
I accuse
George W. Bush
of spreading
into the lives of ordinary people
I accuse
George W. Bush
of deliberately and recklessly
putting in jeopardy
of us all
Pamela Sidney 17.3.08
Oh Yes, it IS a Conspiracy
(but certainly not a theory)
they keep us busy fighting their wars
busy remembering, commemorating
campaign, memorial, pilgrimage
in holiday and ceremony
the remembering is endless
as wars are endless
and they should know
for they run the wars
they keep us busy watching sport
mindless myriad occupations
the old cliché ‘bread & circuses’
ever a great truth
they reward us for belief in ‘god’
practice delusion in religious ritual
our mind is not free, we cannot evolve
if we leave it all up to ‘god’
they keep us watching screens
mobile, TV, computer, DVD
we are the ‘watching generation’
watching games, watching avatars
watching virtual worlds
watching each other watching back
though truly a conspiracy
the dictionary defines conspiracy as:
‘to scheme or plot together’
‘to agree: to concur to one end’
‘a banding together for a devious purpose’
my interpretation of the word:
‘to act in harmony for deceitful purpose’
we know who they are, it’s not a theory
but certainly a conspiracy
we have elites in this world, we all know that
at the very top, they keep a low profile
mostly unseen , except by other elites
at secret meetings around the planet
always under unimaginable security
the elite’s have highly visible agents
presidents, prime ministers
corporation, mega-bank CEOs
every reigning pope’s an elite
plus royalty, military, aristocrat
secret service: MOSSAD, CIA, M16, KGB, ASIO
secret societies, lodges, IMF, WORLD BANK
gutter-press, mega-media, FOX & CNN
two highly visible agents
Henry Kissinger, Condaleeza Rice
work fanatically top speed
toward the One World Order
the elites aim for the world run ‘their way’
crucial to their plan, the free market economy
demands strict adherance to Milton Friedman's
'laissez faire' global ideology
he prescribes:
all public wealth be in private hands
de-regulation - free reign for corporation
for stock exchange
small government (impotent & unaccountable)
no true sovereignty for countries
each government must out-source to business
social security must be 'cut to the bone'
trade unions must be wiped out
Friedman's global economy
is rigidly enforced world-wide –
softer in Western countries -
in third world it’s ' shock & awe'
by coup, assassination, torture & war
always opportunistically
& especially instigated
during natural disasters
and who spreads Friedman's ideology ?
it's professors & graduates, purists & zealots
haven’t quite finished their work yet
militarily, their money system still separate
no complete control yet of their oil and water
then, just to create confusion
(but I assure you, carefully planned)
we have the ‘misleaders’
those who work for the elites
you must wonder why
has not caught Bin Laden yet
it's common knowledge now of course
Bin Laden’s family is extremely close
to the Bush family
the Bush clan, long time part of the elites
and by the way - it’s all genetic -
the elites are all connected by ancestry
going back hundreds of years or longer
Hillary, Obama, George Bush
all somehow connected
a genealogy of enormous wealth
continuing power and influence
insanely guarded, never to lose
Bin Laden could well be
the 'black sheep of his family
may genuinely be at war with
he may be a 'misleader' playing undercover
gatekeeper if you like - secret friend of
if he's ever caught it’s more likely to be
by his personal enemies
but that won’t stop
their brilliance hunting him down
you can be sure they’ll take the laurels
if ever he's murdered or caught
this is a deadly game and we
innocent ones get anything but truth
then there are the literary ‘misleaders’
of very high profile
intellectuals, writers, journalists, broadcasters
often loved, even adored, worshipped like gurus
there's Noam Chomsky adored world-wide
‘darling of the left’, but could he be
gatekeeper of the left ?
there to channel the left's thinking
there to prevent them from going ‘to far’
there to prevent his millions of followers
from ‘waking up’ to the bigger picture
he steadfastly refuses to agree
there may be unanswered questions
& the left - 'sheep-like' - go along
with his denial of political complicity
we must research, we must investigate
we must pour over, minutely examine
this one-world totalitarian conspiracy
the leads are still there
on the net (as yet)
for how long no one knows
the I.T. best minds are working
right this minute
how to ‘virus-out’
certain sites considered
to carry 'too much' truthful
(embarrassing) information
continues under maximum security/secrecy
plans to wipe out certain human strains -
black Africans, black Americans, homosexuals -
AIDS is but one virus developed
their mistake was, to lose control of it
not intended of course
savage reduction
of the planet's population is planned by NWO
the suggested number to be 'culled' ?
5 billion of us
just as Bush used 9/11 as pretext
scapegoat to invade
to launch his ‘War on Terror’
the assault upon us will be vicious
under the pretext this time of global warming
natural disasters - both scapegoats -
to implement a one world fascist order
extraordinary surveillance of the masses
by camera & internet is underway as we speak
a one world order will create a slave class
on a scale never before seen
there is no space in the elite’s world
for lazy, squandering middle-classes
or even the moderately wealthy
their sights are on a world only for the elite’s
with all work done by the ‘controlled’ masses
this geo-political new world order conspiracy
is no theory - unfortunately a terrible truth -
happening now 'right under our noses'
all around us, we get but glimpses
we must learn to look for them
we need to be aware, to wake up to the reality
eventually we must organize ourselves
must remember the skill of the unions
never forget how the elite
want to smash all unions
all community all solidarity
our strength, our hope lies only in unity
the unions have not yet gone
unions and their like may well be
our only chance to prepare
for unified action
against a one world order
almost unimaginable
but unfortunately
very real
Pamela Sidney 9.3.08